The Essential Tools For Life, Business and Education
The DISC is an internationally awarded assessment that produces customized team and individual behavior reports. DISC is a vital component in classroom management, student development, hiring and selection, team building, staff and board development, communication management, sales training, performance evaluations, customer service training, as well as leadership performance and development.
There are several report options to choose from:
Kids DISC - Bird Style Report with Behavioral Insights and Development For Youth
Adult DISC - Bird Style Report for Young Adults, Educators and Education Staff
DISC Self - Behavioral Awareness and General Development (The Behavior "How")
Relationships - Combination and Comparison of 2 DISC Self Reports
Motivators - Core Values and Behavioral Drivers (The Behavior "Why")
EIQ-2 - Emotional Intelligence and Temperament Awareness
Adult Bird Style DISC
Relationships DISC
Kids DISC opens the door for youth to view their unique bird type, be introduced to their own superpowers, and learn about their behavioral style, all while being given tips and useful tools for understanding themselves and how to get along better with others.
The Adult Bird Style DISC is a great accompaniment to the Kids DISC for educators, youth leaders, education support staff and youth program staff. Adult Bird Style DISC is also a great resource for young adults.
DISC Self shows each individual how to understand their behavioral and leadership styles as well as those of others. The report highlights key areas that improves self-awareness, communication, and adaptability.
The Relationship DISC report compares results, in a side-by-side view, of 2 DISC assessment reports in order to show the similarities and differences in behavioral styles in regards to compatibility, strengths, tendencies and how to be most effective in your relationship.
The Motivators report covers what drives the "WHY" behind our behaviors and decisions as well as our core values. Motivators measures the 7 dimensions of motivation: aesthetic, economic, individualistic, power, altruistic, regulatory, and theoretical.
The EIQ-2 report shows both your emotional intelligence scores along with your temperament via the 4 quotients: self recognition, social recognition, self management, and social management.
Areas effected by emotional intelligence: communication, decision-making, leadership, productivity and performance, relationship satisfaction, customer service, conflict management, teamwork, sales and overall effectiveness.